Environmental Commission

The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor, all members being residents of the Township and one being a member of the Land Use Board also.

Powers of the Commission:

  • Research Use and Possible Uses for open land areas and natural resources
  • Coordinate activites of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes
  • Handles distributing of materials for Environmental purposes
  • Maintains an index of public or privately owned areas(marshlands, swamps, and other wetlands) to obtain information on the proper use of these areas
  • May recommend to the Planning Board and the Township Committee plans and programs to be included in the Master Plans for the development and use of such areas
  • May aquire real and personal property in the name of the Township to ensure conservation and proper use of open spaces and other land and water areas

Freecycle Network

"Recycle your home and office proucts or find products for free at freecycle.com"

Environmental Commission Members

Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Kathleen Todd, Chairman
Term Expires 12/31/2027

James McMekin, Vice Chairperson
Term Expires 12/31/2027

Glenn Todd
Term Expires 12/31/2026

Robert Jewell
Term Expires 12/31/2026

Term Expires 12/31/2027

Term Expires 12/31/2027

Term Expires 12/31/2027

Ruth Pante, Secretary
Term Expires 12/31/2025

Committee Liaisons: Mr. McGuinness, Mr. Hayes

Reports and Meeting Minutes

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

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In case of emergency, dial 911
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