Senior Citizens


The Mansfield Township Senior Citizens meet the second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the Mansfield Firehouse.  The Firehouse opens at 11:30 a.m. for those Seniors that would like to get together for social activities.  Our meetings have informative speakers on topics relating to senior life and followed by refreshments and a time to socialize with our friendly senior members.  Senior Activities include:  one-day bus trips to places of interest and entertainment; a pot luck luncheon, a picnic at Meadow Breeze Park located in Washington, a Holiday luncheon, and other activities.

For more information, contact Lilliane Buchanan, President at (908) 852-4208,

Events Calendar 

2025 Mansfield Township Senior Calendar of Events

100 Port Murray Road

Port Murray, NJ 07865 

Meetings:   2nd Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 the Mansfield Firehouse, Port Murray Rd., Port Murray.   Doors open at 11:30 AM for those members who would like to play games, socialize, etc.

Membership Dues:  $20 per year payable in January. 


Tuesday, January 14                     General Meeting –

Program:  CeCe Lindsley from the Warren County Senior Resource Center will speak about programs that are available to seniors as well as volunteering opportunities.

Tuesday, February 11                   General Meeting – Ina Walls, will present a program for Black History Month

Tuesday, March 11                        General Meeting

Program: Bill Lillis from Drug Free NJ will speak about drugs in our community, the home, and our environment.

Tuesday, April 8                              General Meeting

Program:  TBD


Tuesday, May 13                            General Meeting

                                                            Program:  TBD


Tuesday, June 10                           General Meeting

Program:  TBD


Tuesday, July 8                                General Meeting

Program:  Come pet the baby goats! Leigh & Dave Raffaele, owners of Spring Ridge Farm, will present the raising and caring of these adorable animals.

Tuesday, August 12                       Picnic: TBD



Tuesday, September 9                  General Meeting

Program:  TBD


Tuesday, October 14                     General Meeting

Program: “Updates on Medicare”


Tuesday, November 11                General Meeting

Program:  Diana Dove from Clean Communities will talk about conservation, littering, plastics in the environment, etc.

Tuesday, December 9                   Holiday Luncheon:  TBD


NOTE:  Eligibility for Bus Trips is for dues paying active members of the Mansfield Senior Organization that frequently attend meetings.


Rev. 1/9/25

Upcoming Meetings

No events found

Senior Citizens Contacts

Lilliane Buchanan
(908) 852-4208

Ivins & Joanne Smith
Co-Vice Presidents

Beverly Thompson

Elisa Lopez
Recording Secretary

Judy Bridgman

Corresponding Secretary

Judy Onderko
Trip Coordinator
(973) 349-4869

Ivins & Joanne Smith

Jane Myers
Program Chair

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

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