Stormwater Management

Stormwater Education Management

When it rains in the Township of Mansfield, stormwater flows over driveways, streets, lawns, and sidewalks.  While flowing the water picks up debris, chemicals, oil, pet waste, and other pollutants.  All of these materials flow into the storm drains and ultimately end up in the streams and rivers.  In order to keep waters clean:
1. DO NOT DUMP ANYTHING SORT OF WASTE INTO A STORM DRAIN, including oil, gas, antifreeze, paint, etc.
2. DO NOT LITTER - place garbage and recycling in proper containers
3. Private Storm Drains must be retrofit.
4. Pet Waste must be picked up and disposed of properly, while on Township property use pet waste bags to clean up after your pet.
5. Do Not feed the wildlife on Township property.
If you see someone deliberately dumping anything into a storm drain call 1-877-WARN-DEP

Clean Water NJ

Ordinances and Documents

2020-18 Stormwater Control Ordinance

MS4 Outfall Pipe Map

2022-15 Stormwater - Replacing Artilce IX, Part 3

2017-15 Snow Removal

2023-24 Privately Owned Salt Storage

002-2024 Amending Chapter 293-Stormwater Management to Include a New Section, Article II, Entitled "Improper Disposal of Waste"

Feeding Wildlife

Refuse Containers and Dumpsters

Retrofitting Storm Drains

Disposal of Pet Waste

Illicit Connections to Storm Sewer System

Garbage and Rubbish

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

Public Safety

In case of emergency, dial 911
For non-emergencies, dial

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