Finance Office
The Finance Office oversees the receipt of revenues and expenditures of appropriations as outlined in the municipal budget, which it assembles under the direction of the governing body. The office is also responsible for ensuring that municipal purchases comply with the budget, the Township’s purchasing policy and state law. Maintaining books of original entry (cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll, and general journal) and general ledger for all municipal funds are among its accounting responsibilities; as is the maintenance of municipal accounts and investments.
The CFO serves as the certifying officer for pension and health benefits.
Municipal Finance Reports
Finance Office Info
Bryan Courter, Temporary CFO
(908) 689-6151 x127
Escrow and Accounts payable inquiries may be directed to:
JoAnn Fascenelli, Deputy CFO & Treasurer
Recycling/Clean Communities Coordinator
(908) 689-6151 x116
Office Hours
Monday- Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.